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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Evolution of Computer Languages(Part-II) by Md. Farrukh Asif


The Evolution of Computer Languages

(A Brief History- Part-II)

The Era of OOPs Begins Here:


The Era of OOPs begins the mid-1980s . The C++ language, was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T in the extended C by adding objects to it while preserving the efficiency of C programs.

Many operating systems were written in C++. C++, along with Java, has become popular for developing commercial software packages that incorporate multiple interrelated applications. C++ is considered one of the fastest languages and is very close to low-level languages, thus C# (pronounced C sharp like the musical note) was developed by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft in 2000. C# has a syntax similar to that of C and C++ and is often used for developing games and applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

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Ada was named for Augusta Ada King, the countess of Lovelace, who was an assistant to the 19th-century English inventor Charles Babbage and is sometimes called the first computer programmer. Ada, the language, was developed in the early 1980s for the U.S. Department of Defense for large-scale programming.


In the early 1990s Java was designed by Sun Microsystems, Inc., as a programming language for the World Wide Web (WWW). Although it resembled C++ in appearance, it was object-oriented. In particular, Java dispensed with lower-level features, including the ability to manipulate data addresses, a capability that is neither desirable nor useful in programs for distributed systems. To be portable,

Visual Basic

Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft to extend the capabilities of BASIC by adding objects and “event-driven” programming: buttons, menus, and other elements of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Visual Basic can also be used within other Microsoft software to program small routines. Visual Basic was succeeded in 2002 by Visual Basic. NET.


The open-source language Python was developed by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum in 1991. It was designed as an easy-to-use language, with features such as using indentation instead of brackets to group statements. Python is also a very compact language, designed so that complex jobs can be executed with only a few statements. In the 2010s.

Declarative languages

Declarative languages, also called nonprocedural or very high-level, are programming languages in which (ideally) a program specifies what is to be done rather than how to do it.

Scripting languages

Scripting languages are sometimes called little languages. They are intended to solve relatively small programming problems that do not require the overhead of data declarations and other features needed to make large programs manageable.

Scripting languages are used for writing operating system utilities, for special-purpose file-manipulation programs, and, because they are easy to learn, sometimes for considerably larger programs.

Perl was developed in the late 1980s, originally for use with the UNIX operating system.

Document formatting languages

Document formatting languages specify the organization of printed text and graphics. They fall into several classes: text formatting notation that can serve the same functions as a word processing program, page description languages that are interpreted by a printing device, and, most generally, markup languages.


TeX was developed during 1977–86 as a text formatting language by Donald Knuth, a Stanford University professor, to improve the quality of mathematical notation in his books. Text formatting systems, unlike WYSIWYG (“What You See Is What You Get”) word processors, embed plain text formatting commands in a document, which are then interpreted by the language processor to produce a formatted document for display or printing. TeX marks italic text, for example, as {\it this is italicized}, which is then displayed as this is italicized.


PostScript is a page-description language developed in the early 1980s by Adobe Systems Incorporated based on work at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Such languages describe documents in terms that can be interpreted by a personal computer to display the document on its screen or by a microprocessor in a printer or a typesetting device.


SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an international standard for the definition of markup languages; that is, it is a metalanguage. Markup consists of notations called tags that specify the function of a piece of text or how it is to be displayed. SGML emphasizes descriptive markup, in which a tag might be “<emphasis>.” Such a markup denotes the document function, and it could be interpreted as reverse video on a computer screen, underlining by a typewriter, or italics in typeset text.

World Wide Web Display Languages


The World Wide Web is a system for displaying text, graphics, and audio retrieved over the Internet on a computer monitor. Each retrieval unit is known as a Web page, and such pages frequently contain “links” that allow related pages to be retrieved. HTML (hypertext markup language) is the markup language for encoding Web pages. It was designed by Tim Berners-Lee at the CERN nuclear physics laboratory in Switzerland during the 1980s and is defined by an SGML DTD. HTML markup tags specify document elements such as headings, paragraphs, and tables. They mark up a document for display by a computer program known as a Web browser. The browser interprets the tags, displaying the headings, paragraphs, and tables in a layout that is adapted to the screen size and fonts available to it.

HTML documents also contain anchors, which are tags that specify links to other Web pages. An anchor has the form <A HREF= “”> Encyclopedia Britannica</A>, where the quoted string is the URL (uniform resource locator) to which the link points (the Web “address”),, and the text following it is what appears in a Web browser, underlined to show that it is a link to another page. What is displayed as a single page may also be formed from multiple URLs, some containing text and others graphics.


HTML does not allow one to define new text elements; that is, it is not extensible. XML (extensible markup language) is a simplified form of SGML intended for documents that are published on the Web. Like SGML, XML uses DTDs to define document types and the meanings of tags used in them. XML adopts conventions that make it easy to parse, such as that document entities are marked by both a beginning and an ending tag, such as <BEGIN>…</BEGIN>. XML provides more kinds of hypertext links than HTML, such as bidirectional links and links relative to a document subsection.

Web Scripting

Web pages marked up with HTML or XML are largely static documents. Web scripting can add information to a page as a reader uses it or let the reader enter information that may, for example, be passed on to the order department of an online business. CGI (common gateway interface) provides one mechanism; it transmits requests and responses between the reader’s Web browser and the Web server that provides the page.

Another approach is to use a language designed for Web scripts to be executed by the browser. JavaScript is one such language.

VB Script is a subset of Visual Basic. Originally developed for Microsoft’s Office suite of programs, it was later used for Web scripting as well. Its capabilities are similar to those of JavaScript, and it may be embedded in HTML in the same fashion.

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