The Binary Tree
Types of Binary Trees:
Binary Search Trees |
Threaded Binary Tree |
Expression Trees |
Decision Tree |
Fibanocci Tree |
Selection Trees |
Balanced Binary Trees |
AVL Trees |
M-Way Search Trees |
2-3 Trees |
2-3-4 Trees |
Red-Black Tree |
B-Tree |
Splay Trees |
Digital Search Trees |
First, we should know that a tree
is a non-linear data structure. Trees are very flexible and versatile, that can be
used to represent data items possessing hierarchical relationships between the
grandfather and his children and grandchildren as so on.
In other words: “A binary tree
is a non-linear data structure with a maximum of two children for each
parent node.”
A tree is an ideal data structure
for representing hierarchical data. A tree can be defined (theoretically) as a
finite set of one or more data items (or nodes) such that :
1. There is a special node called
the root of the tree.
2. Removing nodes (or data items)
are partitioned into a number of mutually
exclusive (i.e., disjoined) subsets
each of which is itself a tree, are called
a subtree.
Root is a specially designed node
(or data items) in a tree. It is the first node in the hierarchical arrangement
of the data items. ‘A’ is a root node in the Fig.
Each data item in a tree is called
a node. It specifies the data information and links (branches or edges) to
other data items.
This section discusses two ways of
representing binary tree T in memory:
Sequential representation using arrays
Linked list representation
The degree of a node is the number of
subtrees of a node in a given tree. In Fig.
The degree of node A is 3
The degree of node B is 2 "The degree of node C is 2
The degree of node D is 3
The degree of a tree is the maximum
degree of node in a given tree. In the above tree, degree of a node J is 4. All
the other nodes have less or equal degree. So the degree of the above tree is
4. A node with degree zero is called a terminal node or a leaf. For example, in
the above tree Fig M, N, I, O, P,Q, R,S are
leaf nodes. Any node whose degree is not zero is
called non-terminal node. They are intermediate nodes in traversing the
given tree from its root node to the terminal nodes.
The tree is structured in different
levels. The entire tree is leveled so that the root node is always
of level O. Then, its immediate children are at level 1 and their immediate
children are at level 2, and so on up to the terminal nodes. That is, if a node
is at level n, then its children will be at level n + 1.
The Depth of a tree
is the maximum level of any node in a given tree. That is a number of level
one can descend the tree from its root node to the terminal nodes (leaves).
The term height is also used to denote the depth.
- Binary tree: A rooted tree
where every node has at most two children.
- Full binary tree: A
binary tree where every node has either zero or two children.
- Complete binary tree: A
binary tree where all levels are filled with nodes, except possibly for
the last level.
- Perfect binary tree: A
binary tree where all internal nodes have two children and all leaf nodes
are at the same level.
- Balanced binary tree: A
binary tree where the height of the left and right subtrees of each node
varies by at most one.
- Degenerate binary tree: A
binary tree where every internal node has only a single child.
- Leaf node: A terminal node with no
further branches or nodes emerging from it.
- Internal node: A node that has
at least one child.
- Degree: The total number of
children of a node.
- Level: The root node is at
Level 0, the children of the root node are at Level 1, and so on.
- Left child: The node is present to the
left of the parent node.
We know that an array can be used to store the
nodes as a binary tree. The nodes stored in an array of memory locations can be
accessed sequentially.
Suppose a binary tree T of depth d.
Then at most 2d – 1 nodes can be there in T.(i.e., SIZE = 2d–1)
So the array of size “SIZE” to
represent the binary tree. Consider a binary tree in Fig. of depth 3. Then
SIZE = 23 – 1 = 7. Then
the array A[7] is declared to hold the nodes.
The array representation of the
binary tree is shown in Fig. 8.9. To perform any operation often we have to
identify the father, the left child and right child of an arbitrary node.
1. The father of a node having index n can be
obtained by (n – 1)/2. For example to find the father
D, where array index n = 3. Then the father nodes index can be obtained
(n – 1)/2
A[1] is the father D, which is B.
2. The left child of a node having
index n can be obtained by (2n+1). For example to find the left
of C, where array index n = 2. Then it can be obtained by
(2n +1)
4 + 1
A[5] is the left child of C, which is
NULL. So no left child for C.
3. The right child of a node having array
index n can be obtained by the formula (2n
+ 2). For example to find the right child of B, where the array index n
= 1. Then
(2n + 2)
A[4] is the right child of B, which is
4. If the left child is at array
index n, then its right brother is at (n + 1). Similarly,
if the right child is at index n,
then its left brother is at (n – 1).
The array representation is more ideal for the complete binary tree.
The Fig. is not a complete binary tree.
Since there is no left child for node C, i.e.,
A[5] is vacant. Even though memory is
allocated for A[5] it is not used,
so wasted unnecessarily.
The Trees can be divided in
different classes that is below:
The most popular and practical way of representing a binary tree is using linked list (or pointers). In linked list, every element is represented as nodes. A node consists of three fields such as : (a) Left Child (LChild) (b) Information of the Node (Info) (c) Right Child (RChild)
The following figure (Fig. ) shows the
linked list representation of the binary tree in Fig
If a node has a left or/and right
node, the corresponding L Child or R Child is assigned to NULL. The node structure
can be logically represented in C/C++ as:
struct Node
int Info;
struct Node *Lchild;
struct Node *Rchild;
typedef struct Node *NODE;
Ihe basic operations that are commonly performed an
binary tree is listed below :
Create an empty Binary Tree
Traversing a Binary Tree
Inserting a New Node
Deleting a Node
Searching for a Node
Copying the mirror image of a tree
Determine the total no: of Nodes
Determine the total no: leaf Nodes
Determine the total no: non-leaf Nodes
1 Find the smallest element in
a Node
11 Finding the largest element
1 Find the Height of the tree
1 Finding the Father/Left Child/Right Child/Brother of an arbitrary node
Some primitive operations are discussed in the
following sections. Implementation other operations are left to the reader.
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