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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Another way to understand Stack & Queue #5 by Md Farrukh Asif


Another way to understand Stack & Queue

A queue is a useful data structure in programming. It is similar to the ticket queue outside a cinema hall, where the first person entering the queue is the first person who gets the ticket.

Queue follows the First In First Out (FIFO) rule - the item that goes in first is the item that comes out first.

FIFO Representation of Queue


In the above image, since 1 was kept in the queue before 2, it is the first to be removed from the queue as well. It follows the FIFO rule.

In programming terms, putting items in the queue is called enqueue, and removing items from the queue is called dequeue.

We can implement the queue in any programming language like C, C++, Java, Python or C#, but the specification is pretty much the same.

Basic Operations of Queue

A queue is an object (an abstract data structure - ADT) that allows the following operations:

Enqueue: Add an element to the end of the queue

Dequeue: Remove an element from the front of the queue

IsEmpty: Check if the queue is empty

IsFull: Check if the queue is full

Peek: Get the value of the front of the queue without removing it

Working of Queue

Queue operations work as follows:

two pointers FRONT and REAR

FRONT track the first element of the queue

REAR track the last element of the queue

initially, set value of FRONT and REAR to -1

Enqueue Operation

check if the queue is full

for the first element, set the value of FRONT to 0

increase the REAR index by 1

add the new element in the position pointed to by REAR

Dequeue Operation

check if the queue is empty

return the value pointed by FRONT

increase the FRONT index by 1

for the last element, reset the values of FRONT and REAR to -1

Enqueue and Dequeue Operations


Applications of Queue

CPU scheduling, Disk Scheduling

When data is transferred asynchronously between two processes.The queue is used for synchronization. For example: IO Buffers, pipes, file IO, etc

Handling of interrupts in real-time systems.

Call Center phone systems use Queues to hold people calling them in order.

A queue is a useful data structure in programming. It is similar to the ticket queue outside a cinema hall, where the first person entering the queue is the first person who gets the ticket.

There are four different types of queues:

1.    Simple Queue

2.    Circular Queue

3.    Priority Queue

4.    Double Ended Queue

1.    Simple Queue

In a simple queue, insertion takes place at the rear and removal occurs at the front. It strictly follows the FIFO (First in First out) rule.

Simple Queue Representation

To learn more, visit Queue Data Structure.

2.    Circular Queue

In a circular queue, the last element points to the first element making a circular link.

Circular Queue Representation

The main advantage of a circular queue over a simple queue is better memory utilization. If the last position is full and the first position is empty, we can insert an element in the first position. This action is not possible in a simple queue.

To learn more, visit Circular Queue Data Structure.

3.    Priority Queue

A priority queue is a special type of queue in which each element is associated with a priority and is served according to its priority. If elements with the same priority occur, they are served according to their order in the queue.

Priority Queue Representation

Insertion occurs based on the arrival of the values and removal occurs based on priority.

4.Deque (Double Ended Queue)

In a double ended queue, insertion and removal of elements can be performed from either from the front or rear. Thus, it does not follow the FIFO (First In First Out) rule.

Deque Representation

Circular queue avoids the wastage of space in a regular queue implementation using arrays.

Limitation of the regular Queue

As you can see in the above image, after a bit of enqueuing and dequeuing, the size of the queue has been reduced.

The indexes 0 and 1 can only be used after the queue is reset when all the elements have been dequeued.


How Circular Queue Works

Circular Queue works by the process of circular increment i.e. when we try to increment the pointer and we reach the end of the queue, we start from the beginning of the queue.

Here, the circular increment is performed by modulo division with the queue size. That is,

if REAR + 1 == 5 (overflow!), REAR = (REAR + 1)%5 = 0 (start of queue)

Circular queue representation

Circular Queue Operations

The circular queue work as follows:

two pointers FRONT and REAR

FRONT track the first element of the queue

REAR track the last elements of the queue

initially, set value of FRONT and REAR to -1

1. Enqueue Operation

check if the queue is full

for the first element, set value of FRONT to 0

circularly increase the REAR index by 1 (i.e. if the rear reaches the end, next it would be at the start of the queue)

add the new element in the position pointed to by REAR

2. Dequeue Operation

check if the queue is empty

return the value pointed by FRONT

circularly increase the FRONT index by 1

for the last element, reset the values of FRONT and REAR to -1


Implementation of Queue using Array in C:



#define n 5

int main()


    int queue[n],ch=1,front=0,rear=0,i,j=1,x=n;

    printf("Queue using Array");

    printf("\n1.Insertion \n2.Deletion \n3.Display \n4.Exit");



        printf("\nEnter the Choice:");




        case 1:


                printf("\n Queue is Full");



                printf("\n Enter no %d:",j++);




        case 2:



                printf("\n Queue is empty");




                printf("\n Deleted Element is %d",queue[front++]);




        case 3:

            printf("\nQueue Elements are:\n ");


                printf("\n Queue is Empty");



                for(i=front; i<rear; i++)






            case 4:



                printf("Wrong Choice: please see the options");




    return 0;




Queue using Array





Enter the Choice:1


 Enter no 1:10


Enter the Choice:1


 Enter no 2:54


Enter the Choice:1


 Enter no 3:98


Enter the Choice:1


 Enter no 4:234


Enter the Choice:3


 Queue Elements are:






Enter the Choice:2


 Deleted Element is 10

Enter the Choice:3


 Queue Elements are:





Enter the Choice:4


C program to perform insert & delete operations on queue using pointer.


#define max 10
int insertq ( int queue[max], int *rear , int *data)
      if ( *rear == max -1 )
            *rear = *rear + 1;
            queue[*rear] = *data;
int delq( int queue[max], int *front, int *rear , int *data)
      if ( *front == *rear)
            *data = queue[*front];
int main()
      int queue[max],data;
      int front,rear,reply,option;
      //... init queue
      front = rear = -1;
      printf("\n 1. Insert element in queue");
      printf("\n 2. Delete element from queue");
      printf("\n 3. Exit");
            printf("\nChoose operation : ");
                  case 1 ://insert
                        printf("\nEnter Number : ");
                        reply = insertq(queue,&rear,&data);
                        if ( reply == - 1)
                              printf("Queue is full");
                              printf("%d is inserted in queue.\n",data);
                  case 2 : //dele
                        reply = delq(queue,&front,&rear,&data);
                        if ( reply == -1 )
                              printf("Queue is empty ");
                              printf("\nDeleted number is : %d\n", data);
                        case 3 : exit(0);

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